The Tefler Site: A Flat Top Mound Near Aztalan
Just to the north of the Mississippian site of Aztalan is another possible platform mound. This mound, located in the Tefler Mound preserve, is high on a drumlin overlooking the nearby Crawfish River Valley. Platform mounds such as the one here at the Tefler are rare in Wisconsin. It is one of several locations, peripheral to the main site of Aztalan, where evidence of Mississippian remains have been found,
In addition, an effigy mound was located nearby, but no trace remains of this mound today.
To date, there has been no archeological investigation of the mound or surrounding area that would help identify the age and nature of the Tefler Mound.
The Tefler site is preserved by the Archaeological Conservancy. It is surrounded by private property and not open the the public.